Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 95 - Your Days Are Gone

Chapter 95 - Your Days Are Gone

" Let\'s go , we should deal with these first " Su Wan wasn\'t one to harp on one thing forever , now that she couldn\'t buy the infused oils , she just threw the matter in the back of her head and moved on , if she couldn\'t buy it then she won\'t buy it , its not like she was so stupid that she couldn\'t even make some essential oils at home right ? And when her friend told her the theory , she made it sound fairly simple , even if she couldn\'t make it in her first try , Su Wan was sure that as long as she was patient enough she could make some essential oils in her second and third try . But for now they should do what they came to do in the town first , as for everything else she would take care of it later on .

"Alright " now that Su Wan was no longer pulling a long face , Lin Yan and Lin Yu sighed in relief as well . Together the three of them walked to the embroidery shop where Madam Cheng was haggling with the merchant " no , no I will just pay twenty copper coins for this piece of cloth , have you seen how coarse and rough the material is ? Not even the maids of the rich missies will buy this , at most some dock workers might show interest in it , do you really believe that such a coarse piece of cloth will be sold for forty copper coins ?"

The merchant who was selling the raw materials immediately bristled and snatched the coarse cloth from Madam Cheng \'s hands " if you don\'t want to buy then don\'t buy , don\'t call such a fine cloth coarse and poor quality !" Stuffing the cloth back into his baggage , the merchant nastily added " Madam Cheng do you think your? Shan Shui embroidery shop is the same as the old times ? It has lost its charm and your days are gone - do you think any rich missies will come here to shop ? " his shrewish eyes lingered on the old wooden carving that were chipped and cracked in places " do you think any merchant would like to bring the finest brocade of his shop to yours ? Bringing our finest cloth here will be nothing but embarrassing our hard work ! You should be gratified that At least I showed you some face when you sent your page boy and I brought some brocades to sell you? . Humph , clearly I was wrong not only your shop has lots its grandeur you have lost your sanity as well , such fine cloth and you call it coarse. I should have gone to Long Feng embroidery shop if I knew this was how you were going to disrespect me "

" You -" Madam Cheng hated it when someone talked bad about her embroidery shop , this shop was named after her mistress Shen Shui , only the Shen of the Shan Shui was changed . To talk bad about this shop was equivalent to talking bad about her late mistress , Madam Cheng couldn\'t bear it . She wanted to throw merchant Yu out but before she could a domineering voice stopped her .

" Its not too late if you want to sell your brocade to Long Feng embroidery shop , if you want you can rush your fat ass right there its not too far " Su Wan heard what the merchant said and she wasn\'t happy with it at all , Shan Shui shop was the original Su Wan\'s mother\'s dream shop , if her memory served her right , the restaurant and the make up shop was something her mother was not interested in but this embroidery shop was something the late mother Su established herself , to embarrass the Shan Shui shop was actually embarrassing the late mother Su .

" Who are you ?" Merchant Yu wasn\'t happy when a young girl talked down to him, he was very upset and glowered at Su Wan but Lin Yan protectively pushed Su Wan behind him and glanced at Merchant Yu with an ice cold glare of his own , merchant Yu tried to maintain his bravado but soon he looked away cursing Lin Yan for being unruly and arrogant .

Lin Yu too glared at Merchant Yu when the latter tried to glare at Su Wan again .

" who? am I ? I\'m the owner of this very shop you were insulting " said Su Wan rolling her eyes then stepping out from Lin Yan \' s behind , she strode over to Merchant Yu \'s baggage and took out the coarse cloth he was showing to Madam Cheng as a fine quality cloth " Hmm what did you say ? That Madam Cheng has gone senile and can\'t differentiate between good and bad ? Well , I haven\'t gone senile yet and I still say that you most probably brought this cloth from your warehouse , I am certain that this cloth was stored last winter in your warehouse but you? weren\'t able to sell it , so you brought it here when Madam Cheng asked you to bring some brocade for? our shop hoping that you will be able to sell this useless piece of cloth to us for a good price because if this was really as good as you said you would\'ve never brought it here instead you have sold it to that Long Feng shop from the very beginning , you might have already sold your finest pieces there but they didn\'t buy it so you brought it here wanting to make some extra money - isn\'t that so ?"

Su Wan was quiet aware of this tricks of merchants and shop keepers having worked in a mall once . She used to prop up a stall in the food sections when she didn\'t have a cart or restaurant of her own in the mall , so she also knew that when the shopkeepers actually sold anything that was fifty percent off in the sale , it was most probably something they couldn\'t sell in the last season , so they tried to sweet talk their way into selling the unsold pieces by selling them in a sale - most probably this merchant was trying to do the same , he already finished selling the most decent pieces of his shop to the Long Feng embroidery shop , but he didn\'t want to lose money on this coarse cloth either , so he thought of bringing this piece of brocade here - he must have thought that now that their shop was no where as popular as before and there weren\'t much merchant offering to sell them brocades at a reasonable price , if he lowered a bit of the price tag , he would be able to get rid of this cloth piece and after that whatever happened in their shop it wouldn\'t concern him .

Hah ! Su Wan rubbed the cloth and knew that it was almost an year old even if nothing was made out of it , if they sold a dress made of this cloth piece they will surely face consequences when someone buys it and it tears off on second wash !

What a smart plan but so bad , she was the owner here , if someone wants to cheat her - they first need to eat the gall of a leopard ! You bastard you slag man , want to cheat me ? See how I teach you a lesson !

check out my other book guide to raise my cutie husbands

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