Cultivation Pet Shop

179 Chapter 179

But now that a week had passed and the situation with Lin Fan\'s store was stable, he had to keep his end of the bargain with the president.

After taking care of the morning rush, Lin Fan headed off in an armoured vehicle that the president had sent for him with vice president Zhang Liang sitting inside. This vehicle was completely empty, it had been sent just for him.

Song Shu wanted to come along, but Lin Fan knew that this wouldn\'t be a safe journey, so he was firm in denying her.

As for Angela, he had nothing to say about her coming along, but she actually didn\'t want to come along since she wanted to stay with Song Shu…

But in the end, Lin Fan bribed her as usual with cake and she tagged along with him in the armoured vehicle.

The armoured vehicle drove out the west of Water Pearl City, speeding across the road until it arrived outside a blockade. This blockade had many guards and they were all armed to the teeth, looking like they wouldn\'t let a single person past them.

But when they saw this armoured vehicle, the guards oved to the side and created a hole in the blockade, allowing them to pass without a single word.

Once they were past the blockade, Lin Fan looked out the windows of the armoured vehicle to see a large planar crack and a large base that was built around it.

The armoured vehicle moved through the base until it arrived in front of the main building where Lin Fan, Angela, and Zhang Liang got out.

Everything seemed quite normal, that was until they arrived inside the hall of the main building where there were furniture flying all over. The moment they came in with Zhang Liang leading the way, there was a chair that flew at Zhang Liang\'s head.

Of course, as a Platinum Realm Expert, a chair was not a threat to Zhang Liang even if it hit him, but it had caught him off guard.

Lin Fan reached out and grabbed the chair before putting it down on the side.

Zhang Liang hadn\'t been able to react since he clearly never thought that he would be met with a faceful of chair, but once he did come back to his senses, he thanked Lin Fan before shouting, "What is going on here?"

The loud noises in the hall faded when his roar echoed across it and the three fighting in the center suddenly stopped.

As the dust settled, Lin Fan finally saw the situation of the hall.

There were a total of eight people present, all of them looked to be no older than thirty years old which was quite concerning. However, Lin Fan could tell by their auras that the weakest person here was in the low Gold Realm.

The three that were fighting in the center were two boys and one girl.

The girl was someone with a short bob haircut that didn\'t even reach her shoulders who was wielding two blades that were separately pointing at one of the boys each.

Of the two boys, one was a person who had long hair and was wielding a Chinese sword, looking like the perfect representation of a sword cultivator. As for the other one, it was a boy with fiery red hair and bronze knuckles that made him look like a street brawler.

All three of them glared at each other for a bit before turning away and giving snorts, moving separately to different corners while all ignoring Zhang Liang.

Finally another one of the boys in the room came over and said, "Vice president Zhang, please don\'t mind them. They were just bored, so they did a little sparring."

His tone wasn\'t strong or soft, it was just said in a natural manner, but one had to remember that Zhang Liang was the elder here. For this boy to talk to him in this manner, almost treating him as an equal, he really was filled with arrogance.

Zhang Liang\'s face turned dark as he said, "You do know why we called you here, right? You\'re about to enter the planar crack and before you even do so, you\'re here tearing at each other\'s throats?"

The boy who spoke didn\'t say anything, he just smiled as he looked at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang looked at him before putting his hand on his head and shaking it.

There really wasn\'t anything they could do about this, these kids were all geniuses and they were all arrogant in their own way. It had been a risk bringing them all together, which was like mixing various chemicals and seeing what result it brought. In the end, it seemed like the result they achieved was creating a bomb.

But they really had no choice in this matter since they didn\'t want to alert people before they could get information and they couldn\'t let real experts enter, or they might alert the possible invasion force of the Beast Clan inside. That left them with no choice but to bring together these geniuses from various families and send them into the planar crack under the guise of a training mission.

Of course, they couldn\'t risk the lives of ordinary people, so they only gathered people who were at least in the Gold Realm.

But each one of them was a genius who was on the Heaven Rankings, so they all had their own pride.

Zhang Liang knew there was nothing else he could say to these arrogant kids, so he brought Lin Fan to the side to talk.

Before Zhang Liang could even say a thing, Lin Fan could already guess what he wanted to say, so he said, "You want me to babysit these kids as well?"

Zhang Liang swallowed his words and revealed an awkward smile before saying, "In a sense yes."

Lin Fan didn\'t say anything and just waited for Zhang Liang to continue.

Zhang Liang\'s smile became more awkward as he said, "If there really is something going on, this will make sure that they don\'t get suspicious about what we\'re doing. After all, it is normal for us as humans to send in talented people into planar cracks, so this would avoid suspicion while you can find actual clues."

Lin Fan just gave a hum of acknowledgement and he didn\'t stop staring at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang really wanted to turn away, but he knew he couldn\'t do that. Eventually he gave a sigh and said, "If possible, please make sure that they don\'t die at a minimum. After all, we are borrowing them from their families, so it would be hard to explain to them why they died."

Lin Fan still said without any expression on his face, "So basically you want me to babysit them?"

Finally Zhang Liang couldn\'t say anything other than saying in a helpless voice, "Yes, we want you to babysit them."

Lin Fan said with the same expressionless face, "How much are you willing to compensate me for this."

Zhang Liang hesitantly asked, "How much do you want?"

Lin Fan just calmly said, "Fifty more pet eggs each week."

Zhang Liang quickly agreed, "Alright, that\'s fine since we\'re being compensated by those families anyway for letting them enter this planar crack under our supervision. We can just squeeze a bit more out of them, there\'s nothing they can say."

Hearing this, Lin Fan felt a little bit like he had been tricked, but there was nothing he could do since the other side had already accepted his terms.

So after this mini discussion, the two of them came back to the group and Zhang Liang ignored everything that happened before as he introduced Lin Fan.

As soon as he did, the two boys who had been fighting earlier came up to Lin Fan and eyed him over before one of them said, "Who are you and how are you qualified to come into this planar crack with us?"

Lin Fan just smiled and repeated what Zhang Liang said, "I\'m just a helper that the Monster Trainer Union hired to investigate some things, nothing more, nothing less."

But the red haired boy didn\'t let this go as he poked Lin Fan\'s chest and said, "That doesn\'t answer my question. Do you really think a kid like you can survive in this dangerous planar crack?"

Lin Fan smiled as he reached a hand out.

The red haired boy looked at that hand before suddenly reaching his hand out to slap Lin Fan\'s hand. However, the moment his hand hit Lin Fan\'s hand, it felt like he was slapping a slab of iron as a tremble filled his entire body and he couldn\'t help pulling his hand back as he grasped it with the other hand.

The others all noticed this and realized that Lin Fan wasn\'t normal.

It seemed like they really couldn\'t judge this book by the cover.

The red haired boy looked at Lin Fan with a bit of hostility, but there was nothing he could do right now.

Lin Fan ignored him and asked the others, "Anyone else?"

There was a bit of anger that appeared in the eyes of these young geniuses, but none of them said a single word. They were all experts in their own rights, so of course they could tell there was a difference in strength between them and Lin Fan.

Zhang Liang had been standing on the side waiting, but seeing that everything had calmed down, he came forward and said, "Alright, now that you\'re all acquainted, let\'s get into our discussion. There are no real rules for the planar crack this time, you are all free to move around as you please, but you should at least keep the lines of communications open and work with each other as much as possible. That\'s all we ask of you."

The geniuses looked at each other before giving a few grumbles, but they agreed to this in the end.

Zhang Liang nodded before saying, "Alright, let\'s get you all geared up and send you inside the planar crack."

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