Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 55 Raid: Lightning Slime Dungeon (2)

As the leader continued his attempt at trying to pump us full of adrenaline, I shifted over to the same porter from before.

"Hey, did you collect some of those orbs?" I asked the man whose eyes quickly shifted over to me, and they were filled to the brim with panic.

Is he already this scared shitless? Damn…

"Y-Yes," He stutters before revealing just a few orbs in his massive bag that was sat right next to him.

It was probably twice his weight and was about as tall as him, who was exactly six feet tall… So this was a chunky bag filled to the brim with supplies.

"Do you want to fight as well?" I asked out of nowhere, and he was pretty shocked.

"U-Ummm… I-I\'m fine. Anyway, what do you need these for? You never really told me," He responded, scratching the back of his head.

This guy always looks like he\'s apologizing, but his build is so good that you\'d think he\'s a swordsman or possibly a tank.

"They\'re for the boss. Follow me once we get down there, and I\'ll even let you get some of the XP,"


The porter\'s eyes were sparkling as if he had just discovered some buried treasure that he had been looking for, for decades upon decades.

His hands were visibly sweating, and the feeling was disgusting as he clasped my hands in between his hands.

"Please don\'t touch me," I responded, and he quickly backed away, embarrassed.

"Sorry about that,"

"It\'s fine… Just follow me and make sure you have those orbs at the ready,"

"Y-Yes sir,"

"... Don\'t call me sir. You\'re much older than me, so it feels strange…." I responded but never gave him my name.


Soon, after a few more minutes, we all approached the wide hole and stared down into it, but strangely, you could only see a black abyss that seemingly traveled for an infinity.

It was a strange and creepy sight that almost caught us in a trance, but with a rude awakening by the leader, we all quickly jumped into the abyss.


We began to pick up momentum, and the weightless feeling made it feel as if I was skydiving from a million meters up in the air.


But, the feeling quickly ended as we all suddenly slammed against a hard surface, but no damage was done to us.

I didn\'t even feel any pain.


A gust of wind traveled past us as we all glanced up from the stone brick floor below us, and I noticed we were in the boss room.

It was a massive dome-shaped cave filled to the brim with massive stalactites that ruined any hope of seeing the other side of the cave.

"Okay, quickly follow me," I say to the porter while helping him up, giving him just a bit more false sense of trust that I used to lead him to the center of the room.

I made sure we escaped the leader\'s eye as we did this, and after turning the corner around a massive stalactite, we found a large yellow circle.

A language made of fantasy runes lined the edges, and just as I placed the yellow squishy orb on the circle, I realized something.

These… These runes are familiar. They looked exactly like the ones my mother used when performing that thing that gave me the Ares System…

Each dungeon room has a sizable magic circle that spawns each boss, and the positions don\'t change, so landing a sneak attack wasn\'t that hard for a bit of extra damage.

But I\'ve never actually seen any pictures of these Boss Spawning Magic Circles.

The one for the Toxic Slime Dungeon was on the seat of the chair, and for this dungeon, it was right behind this stalactite-

"Excuse me?"

All of a sudden, the porter snapped me out of my deep thoughts, and I noticed he was ready to hand me the other orbs.

"I\'ll just think about it later," I muttered.


"Nothing," I responded before placing the five other orbs on the magic circle.

The porter was excited to level up, but... his trust in me ended up being the death of him.

As the circle began to glow, I was already gone.

The porter didn\'t even notice I disappeared as he was too busy trying to shuffle through his bag and find a supposed sixth orb that I guess he thought he stored.

I glanced back and looked at the clueless man and muttered something under my breath.

""Προσευχές για τους πεσόντες,"


The stalactites within the dome-like cave all collapsed into each other and gathered into a pile of rocks just as a menacing presence appeared in the distance.

I just about managed to regroup next to the backline of the raid team and then moved my way forward, back to my original position.

"Stay calm!" The leader shouted as the cave was nowhere near as congested as before… and the boss had also appeared.

Its eyes glowed a dim yellow as its webbed feet and hands pushed the rubble away, making way for it to let out its initial damaging attack.


A horrific cry was released from the boss, but we had already all hidden behind our tanks who took a wide stance and held out their shields.

"Stand your ground! Healers! Support the tanks!" The leaders shouted as a blast of wind rushed past the sides of us and also began to push back the large men in front of us.

They all grit their teeth to the maximum as getting blown away now would be certain death.

But, just as everybody was worried about their own things and hoping they could survive this initial attack… I almost lost myself in deep thought again.

I forgot we had healers… Also, I didn\'t know they could buff others? Well… actually, I just didn\'t research at all on healers.

Healers are a class that rarely anybody picks unless it\'s one of the super high ranking classes that can essentially carry an entire raid party, just by themselves.

But, if you\'re not one of those, then you\'re essentially useless… that is also why we didn\'t have any healers back in the Toxic Slime Dungeon.

The healing skills that healers have basically do nothing, so I guess the lower rank ones are only useful for their buffs.

Interesting… I should research more on all the classes… Intrigue- Oh, that\'s right. We\'re in a fight.

The blast of wind had finally stopped, and everybody let out a sigh of relief as we all gathered together, creating our formation once again.

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