Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 69 - The Lucky Escape

He felt pity towards George and no longer wanted to take advantage of him. As unlike before, he now had over 100 Gold Coins in his possession and he thought that paying him 2 Gold Coins for his service was not big of a deal.

Although George wanted to reject it as he\'s afraid of being targeted by Mr. Leon, he nevertheless felt grateful that he still decided to pay, and even more than the usual price. He could only bow his head to express his thanks and even promised the latter to just call him when he needed a ride and he would be there in an instant along with his Swift Snail. 

After that, they parted ways with Ban going towards the Inn\'s receptionist table and George going back home to remit his gains for the day. 

Ban asked and decided to rent a room for two months with a total of 20 Gold Coins. The room was small so the reason for it being cheap. 

Ban goes out a moment later after inspecting the room that he won\'t be using. He won\'t be using the room that much and only needs it for his act as Leon. He even felt that it was quite wasteful but he could do nothing other than to accept it. 

Ban went outside the Inn while still being Leon. He then went towards an empty street and decided to change his get up swiftly when no one was around before turning around as if nothing had happened. He also let Eva transform into her basic form this time to match him.

Unbeknownst to Ban, he was actually being followed by a single person ever since he left the Adventurers Market. When he went to the empty street, the person thought that it\'s the perfect place for him to act. But when the person turned towards a corner to follow Ban, the person could no longer see the person he was following and could only look around to search. 

What the person did not know was that the person he was searching for was actually just beside him this entire time, trying to search for a carriage that could bring him towards Kuys Bar. 

And what Ban did not know was that he actually just unknowingly avoided an E-Elite Rank person\'s pursuit.

Some time later, after a couple of twists and turns, Ban finally decided that it was already enough. He then boarded a carriage and told the driver to go to the Kuys Bar. 

When the carriage driver heard his destination, he could not help but give Ban an obvious look, it\'s as if he was saying that Ban is a man of culture as well.

Nevertheless, Ban ignored him and instead proceeded to caress Eva\'s small head with a face full of smiles. 

The Inn George chose was not that far so a moment later, they arrived in front of the Kuys Bar. When he asked the driver how much it would cost, the carriage driver only replied that it was on him, while saying, "It\'s my treat for being a fellow man of culture," while giving him a knowing look.

Ban did not understand what he was saying but he nevertheless did not insist on paying for it. After all, he could tell that the carriage driver was not someone who really needs money as his appearance and get up even looked like someone who will spend all their coins just after a few hours of obtaining them. 

Ban went inside the Kuys Bar and what greeted him was the partying crowd that were clearly more numerous and more enthusiastic than before. He did not think about it as it was always like this every time Emilia would perform.

He went towards the counter and greeted Kuys who was busy handing out drinks to the customer. Kuys also greeted him in return and even asked him about his part-time jobs earnings for the day. Ban thought for a moment and answered that it was good. 

Kuys then handed Ban his dinner and of course, it was more than usual as Kuys thought that Eva should eat more to become even cuter. As if driven by Kuys words, Eva really did eat more than earlier. Ban could only shake his head and laugh upon seeing Eva\'s bloated stomach after they finished eating. 

Ban then went upstairs to change to his Kuys Bar uniform before returning a moment later to help on serving foods and drinks to the enthusiastic crowds. 

He was wearing a black and white outfit that looked exactly like what Kuys was wearing. Paired with his silver hair and dark eyes, the Adventurer women around could not help but turn their head towards his striking appearance. Some of them even purposely ordered a lot of drinks just so Ban could go and serve on their table.

Ban did not find it odd as he thought it was normal. However, every time a woman tried to make a move on Ban,Eva would always stare at them warily and sometimes even hissed at them as a warning. 

One Adventurer couple even broke into a fight after the man got jealous by the looks the woman was giving towards Ban. However,their farce immediately ended when the woman countered that he should also stop giving those same kinds of looks towards Emilia later. When the man heard it, he just decided to stay silent, and continue sipping on his beer. His partner is important, but Emilia only performs once every month and sometimes not even at all. 

He could miss this opportunity so he could only endure the jealousy he was feeling inside as he chatted with his fellow cultured men.

After a few hours of getting busy, it was finally the main event of the evening. 

The crowd suddenly went silent and even Ban and the other crew stopped what they were doing to stare at the beautiful and cold person atop the platform, holding her violin elegantly like a fairy. 

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