The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 798 - Reinforcements

798 Reinforcements

The news report also said that “These undead say that they are the remnants of an ancient human empire who are now returning to the mortal plane. They will be establishing their home in the extreme northern ice islands, and have already established a formal diplomatic alliance with the Northlands Mist Alliance.”

Undead Emperor Sandro and Undead Emperor Undead General had finally made their decision and clearly expressed what side they were on.

The extreme northern ice islands referred to in the report didn’t even have an actual name on the maps. They were located even farther north than the Northlands were. There actually was another continent across from the icy sea there, but due to the extremely low temperatures, only polar bears and ice elemental creatures could survive there… and now the undead would be establishing their country there.

“Adam can probably also live there. He’s basically family with the native snow ogres there.”

Margaret adjusted her eyeglasses as she spoke. Although her tone sounded calm, I could tell that she had a grudge against Adam. It seemed that her previous trip to the far north with him hadn’t given her a good impression.

Still, it seemed more like a curse than having no sense of direction to be able to get lost to such an extent to go all the way to the ice islands in the far north.

I heaved a sigh of relief at Margaret and Adam’s return. It was always good to have trustworthy allies by my side. I also received support from the Mist Alliance together with their return.

Margaret became busy with all the rescue work regarding the battle’s survivors right after she arrived. However, Adam acted the same as always. He had too much free time on his hands, and caused trouble everywhere. Currently, he had his head lowered as he weaved what appeared to be an extravagant feathered broom.

However, we all knew that this was nothing more than a mistaken impression.

“…Um, Adam, could you please stop causing trouble? God Envoy Arthur has already complained to me about you. Even if a Seraphim has lots of feathers, they’ll still go bald if you keep pulling out all the feathers.

“It’s just a little warmup. I can barely take it when I think about the upcoming major battle! It’s rare to meet such a powerful opponent. I don’t even need to worry about accidentally killing them… Yep, I really should go warm up with the Seraphims! I’m leaving now, and I won’t be back for lunch.”

Adam kept getting more excited, to the point where even flames began to rise from his hair. It seemed that he wanted to have a major fight against the angels as he hurriedly left.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I received a report regarding how “Seraphim feather fans,” “Seraphim tears”, and other such rare items were suddenly circulating around the Cloud Tower’s black market, I might even have believed him.

As for the information that a certain really poor individual suddenly had money now, and purchased all the porn books in the bookstores, I would never deal with such a boring matter myself. I simply gave such information to Margaret for her to deal with… On that night, the books burned away in such a bright fire as a certain person howled in agony about “his prized collection”. This was rather quite sympathetic as I’m sure many married men would shed tears of sympathy.

Even more pitiful was how Adam felt that it was only an accident that Margaret had discovered his new collection. He actually intended on selling off even more Seraphim feathers and other such rare items at a high price in order to reestablish his collection. He wasn’t going to come back for lunch? He was probably in a rush to buy more porn books during lunchtime.

I was even beginning to consider whether or not I should act on my responsibility as a Truth Symposium member to crack down on all these ridiculous merchants. However, I could see out of the corner of my eye that Margaret’s mouth was twitching. She was even smiling in such delight? Fine then, she had seen through everything already. Please take good care of yourself, Adam!

Forget it, there was no need to remind him. It would always be fun to laugh at another’s expense when I was feeling down.

Angels? Yeah, the Cloud Tower now had two entire squadrons of high-level angels. Although they were really annoying in a way, it was also reassuring to have them as temporary allies.

As the battlefield before us hadn’t calmed down, we aggressively made our combat preparations. By now, Karwenz had basically declared war on the entire world as his plan to destroy the world was now known to everyone.

We didn’t even have the time to say anything when the God of Holy Light, who was the “ruler of the world”, could no longer tolerate it. Having his incarnation exploded was already a severe challenge. Opening the door to the dimensional barrier would threaten the order of the entire world. His mechanical logic would treat this as the highest-level threat of all.

The God of Holy Light wouldn’t care about things such as pride, as he was a God with no self-will. He unhesitatingly sent countless Holy Light Faction Gods and angel squadrons to this battlefield, an army with more than a thousand years of accumulation.

It was impossible for the new chaotic domain battlefield to remain peaceful. The Holy Light Faction Gods and angel squadrons unhesitatingly got involved with the chaotic domain. Since the Cloud Tower was a floating fortress which was closest to the battlefield, the Holy Light Faction had sent two top-level angel squadrons and dozens of subordinate squadrons to come here as their temporary base. This was an army of more than 30,000 angels. The angels’ leader, God Envoy Arthur, seemed to be some legendary individual renowned in history.

As for whether the two top-level angel squadrons were truly here to protect the Cloud Tower, or more to threaten us “heretics” not to get in their way, everyone would know such things without saying anything out loud.

The mages’ pride would obviously be hurt by this, but I actually convinced the other Truth Symposium members to allow the angels to stay here. It would be quite foolish to go against the God of Holy Light at this time, after all. If his mechanical logic started thinking that “the internal threat must be dealt with first before the external threat”, and he instead started attacking us, then that would truly be major trouble for us.

Besides, it was quite rare to obtain such precious single-minded fighters for your cause. It was nice to have someone else willing to go first and test the dangers for you for free. All I had to do was tolerate them for a few days.

The end result was that we could all see angels flying above our heads every day. The angels really were treating themselves as the rulers of the Cloud Tower now, completing ignoring the mages’ pride… Ahem, so the mid- and low-level angels that went out on patrols were disappearing at quite a rapid rate, while high-level angels kept mysteriously meeting challenges from powerful individuals, which made God Envoy Arthur quite busy every day.

As for whether the captured angels became experimental materials for crazy mages, or if they entered the black market… When considering how the supply seemed to be plentiful and the price of angels kept falling, even I wanted to purchase a nice and cheap female angel servant. Although it was rather regrettable that an angel wouldn’t have any emotions, not having any emotions also meant no slacking off and no desire for any salary. A female angel would also be quite pretty. What a nice free laborer that would be!

However, God Envoy Arthur had been coming to complain to me every day recently. If he saw me with a female angel slave… I probably should avoid causing a diplomatic incident at such a time.

“You can ask Adam to purchase one for you. It will also be really fun to watch the joke that happens.”

I paused in surprise at Harloys’ suggestion, but then immediately started laughing as I gave her a big thumbs up. What a wonderful idea!

I immediately started writing a letter which I would have a familiar take to Adam. The letter was also created from a special paper which would destroy itself after the letter was read.

“…My friend, please select a young and beautiful female angel servant for me. I’ll help stall Margaret for you…”

As everyone knew, I was someone who never lied.

“Margaret, give me some face and let Adam go this time. Men always need to have something fresh. This isn’t being disloyal, but rather just a normal male desire. At the very least, he hasn’t been buying the recently popular angel slaves.”

“…Your face? Is that worth any money?”

Margaret chuckled coldly while leaving with mage staff in her hand. It seemed that I had only added fuel to the fire rather than calming her down. Her expression indicated that she was soon about to go on a rampage.

Alright then, I had already tried to “stall” Margaret, but unfortunately I had failed. So, Adam, please hope for the best.

“Roland, it seems like you’re holding quite a grudge against Adam?”

“…I was busy fighting a life-and-death battle on the battlefield, while he was busy outside having a date with Margaret and doing whatever he pleased. The moment that he saw me again, he started telling me about his fun travels with such a delighted expression. He even kept saying ‘it’s such a pity that you weren’t there, you would have had lots of fun as well.’ What would you think?”

“…I understand.”

Harloys nodded and continued to pretend to sleep.

My room was filled with the sound of my pen writing on paper. More than 10 letters were on my desk, with some addressed to me and some that I had written. I was extremely busy over the past few days, trying to summon all the combat strength here that I could.

Harloys suddenly raised her head as both of us simultaneously glanced at the window. Apart from the familiar starlight, someone we had been waiting for had finally arrived.

“Sandro, you must have made a decision since you’ve come here.”

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