The Accidental Vampire

Chapter 34 A Way In

Atlas also knew that Lilith wasn\'t wrong! If he was seen, things were going to get bad.

"I think you\'re right. We should rest." He swiftly took Lancaster to the side and helped him sit down with the support of the wall. On the other hand, he himself sat, facing Lancaster. His back faced the streets, hiding him even more.

For some reason, Lancaster found this behavior to Atlas odd. He didn\'t know why but he didn\'t think too much about it.

Yovana walked past Atlas, not even noticing him. If she had seen him, she would\'ve been stunned to see him alive since she was still thinking that he was dead and the blood in the forest belonged to her.

A few minutes after the lady left, Atlas subtly glanced back. She could see the back of Yovana from a distance. He breathed a sigh of relief. She didn\'t see him. However, he was still curious about the lady. Who was she? Why was she so important?

"Who is that lady?" he asked Lancaster at last. "Why are the Vampires following her?"

"It\'s not surprising that you don\'t know her, but almost everyone who lives here knows her. She is Lady Yovana. She is one of the most important people in the city, even more important than some Vampires," Lancaster explained.

"Why? What\'s so special in her?"

"It\'s because she is the favorite of Lord Carlisle. He cares for her more than he cares for the Vampires under him."

Hearing that, Atlas couldn\'t help but clench his fist. \'So she is his favorite. I might have been able to get close to him through her. But now it\'s too late. I can\'t come before her...\'

"Why would he do that?" he asked. " Is she his lover?"

"I don\'t know what their relationship is, and it\'s not our place to guess. The farther we stay from them, the better,"  Lancaster responded. "She is too important. If anyone heard us talking about her, we might be in trouble. So we definitely can\'t talk about that in public."

Atlas nodded. "I understand. Anyway, I think I had enough rest. We should get moving."

He stood up. Since he wasn\'t tired, he wanted to leave as soon as he could since he wasn\'t sure when that woman was going to return. He only saw her enter one of the nearby shops.

He helped Lancaster up and started escorting him.

"I haven\'t seen you before in the city. How long have you been living here?" Along the way, Lancaster inquired.

"I just arrived today," Atlas answered. "So it\'s not surprising you haven\'t seen me here."

"Oh, you\'re new here. That makes sense. So what brought you to the city?"

"I\'m here for work. I mean I\'m looking for work to make a good life in the city. I heard a lot about this place in my village and decided to come," Atlas exclaimed, making up a story. He couldn\'t just say he was here to infiltrate the Carlisle Clan.

"Ah, you\'re one of those dreamers. I\'m surprised you were allowed to enter the city," Lancaster let out. "You seem quite lucky."

"What do you mean? What lucky?"

"Generally, the city only allows wealthy people to enter the city or those who have some important business. The people who come here to make a better life or for a job are turned away from the door. That\'s why it\'s surprising you were allowed in," Lancaster explained. "Especially since poor people aren\'t allowed inside the city."

"And I don\'t want to judge you from your attire, but that doesn\'t give the feeling that you have money," he added, glancing at the worn-out cloak of Atlas. "Do you have money to afford a place to stay?"

Atlas shook his head. "I\'ll just sleep outside until I find a job."

As the conversation reached this point, Atlas was subtly trying to get a point across. Through his tone, he was giving a feeling that he was a person in need of help. He wanted Lancaster to offer him a place to stay since he really didn\'t have money.

"You don\'t know the rules, do you?" Lancaster sighed. "If you\'re caught sleeping outside, the guards will throw you out of the city. Only the ones who can afford to live in the city are allowed to stay here."

"That\'s why it\'s hard for poor people to stay here. I don\'t count myself as rich, but my family had been here for a long time before the Carlisle Clan came here. So I do own a small house even though I don\'t have any wealth. At least no one can kick me out until I need to sell my house to afford food and start sleeping on the streets," he further exclaimed.

"That\'s why losing a job is such a headache. Just like you, I also need to look for a job," he added.

"Anyway, as I was saying, you really can\'t stay outside unless you want to get in trouble."

"Where else can I stay then? I don\'t have a place to go..." Atlas responded, looking down.

Lancaster went silent and lost himself in deep thoughts. It was dangerous to allow a stranger into your house, but he had a feeling that Atlas was a good person. He had even helped him. He couldn\'t let Atlas be kicked out after all this.

Atlas kept walking, not saying anything. He already had a feeling what was coming next, and that\'s exactly what he wanted.

Just as he expected, Lancaster opened his lips and spoke the words that Atlas had been waiting for.

"How about you stay with me for a little while? At least until you get a job? My house isn\'t big, but I think the two of us can stay there. That way, you won\'t have to leave the city."

"Really? Are you sure?" Atlas acted stunned; however, he didn\'t say no.

"Yeah. You helped me. Without you, I might not be able to get home either. It\'s the least I can do for you. Moreover, you don\'t seem like a bad person."

"Good work. Now we have an informant and a place to stay. Not a bad start." Seeing the outcome, even Lilith couldn\'t help but praise Atlas.

Initially, she was surprised why Atlas was wasting his time on a human when he had more important things to do, yet now she understood. It seemed like Atlas was thinking about the future.

"That\'s my house. We\'re here." Lancaster pointed straight ahead towards a small white house.

Just as Lancaster had said, he had a house but looking at the condition of the house; it was evident that it needed urgent maintenance.

The house was only forty square yards in size and had no first floor. It wasn\'t good since, looking at the condition, Atlas was sure that the house would\'ve come crashing down if there was more weight on top. The walls had cracks everywhere.

Lancaster noticed the expressions of Atlas. He couldn\'t help but smile wryly. "It looks bad, doesn\'t it?"

"Not at all."

"No-no. You don\'t have to be modest. I know what it is. That\'s why I told you I\'m poor. I don\'t have a family anymore, and I\'ve been working daily to survive. Hopefully, one day I might be able to make a better house. One can always hope." Lancaster chuckled as he brought a key out. As Lancaster tried to open the door.

The door finally opened. Atlas helped Lancaster inside and placed him on the bed before walking back to close the door.

"Atlas, look!" Atlas just closed the door when he heard Lilith call him with eagerness as if it was important.

He turned around, frowning. He walked to the shadow which was near the table. There were a lot of papers on the table, but the one on the top made him smile.

"It seems to be your lucky day today," Lilith let out.

Atlas picked up the piece of paper. "Looks like we found a way to enter the castle. It won\'t be easy though."

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